4 things I'm doing differently as a mom with my 4th baby (and a few things I kept the same)


  1. Brought my own “first meal” to the hospital - With my last birth, baby was born at 11pm and I was STARVING. As in, couldn't wait for my husband to go and grab takeout starving - and all the hospital had was a cold ham sandwich…not the most nourishing (or enjoyable) first meal post-birth in my opinion! This time I brought my favorite lentil soup (frozen in a cooler) and my husband was able to heat it up during golden hour so I could eat a comforting, nourishing meal right away.
  2. Not stressing about wake windows and nap schedules - honestly, with 4, I've found it's just not possible to be super strict about wake windows and a nap schedule. Baby naps on me, in the car, and occasionally in her bassinet. At this point I'm super familiar with newborn sleepy cues and help her get sleep when she needs, and that's that! I know her schedule will change frequently this first year anyway.
  3. Prioritizing my nutrition - I stocked up with nourishing quick meals like protein powder, lactation oats and bone broth based frozen soups to make this a bit easier on myself. I'm also prioritizing a comprehensive bloodwork panel with Postpartum Care USA to check my thyroid, hormones, iron, and more, to hopefully avoid some symptoms I've had in previous postpartum experiences (extreme fatigue, PPA, insomnia, etc). Happy mom = happy kids!
  4. Accepting any + all help - I don't think accepting help comes easy to most moms, but it's especially important with a new baby to lean on whatever help you have! I've been so grateful to friends and family who have dropped off meals, played with my big kids, + more. I also rely on our paid “village” like meal services (Boxen locally!), preschool for my 3 year old this year, and grocery delivery. 

The Same

  1. Used the hospital nursery overnight - it takes a village, and postpartum nurses are a big part of mine those first 2 nights! I love knowing baby is in very capable hands so I can get a few consecutive hours of rest after birth to start healing.
  2. Hold/wear baby most of the day in the first weeks - I love the snuggles and it allows for easier postpartum resting and nursing, which really feels like a full time job those first weeks! I've found snuggling during the day typically helps my babies tolerate sleeping in their bassinet at night a bit longer as well.

There's truly always a learning curve and adjustment period with each new baby, but as a 4th time mom I've learned the more I let things go and lower my expectations, the happier everyone in the house is. Those first weeks can feel all consuming, but thankfully the sleepless nights don't typically last too long.

Baby girl is 2 months old now, and only waking up once or twice to nurse - so that means mom feels much more human! Sending hugs if you've just had a baby and are in that tough adjustment period - you're doing great.